Jeff uses his “Wizard Power” on last night’s Big Brother 11
Last night’s episode of Big Brother 11 was probably the most anticipated of the season. Early in the day, rumors surfaced online that CBS was worried about Chima’s threat to cuss around and go ape shit if the “wizard power” was used, so they decided to tape what would have been the live eviction episode early in the afternoon.
The moment Jeff got up when Julie asked if the person who had won the Coup d’Etat would like to use it has been the best moment of the entire season. Unfortunately for the fans, the disliked crew (Jessie/Natalie & co.) had been calling the shots for the first half of the season and fans were fed up so CBS put together the Coup d’Etat power which gave America’s Choice (Jeff) the power to throw out the HoH’s (Chima) nomations and put up their own. Jeff kept his power a secret for two whole weeks, leaving everyone (especially Jordan) jaw-dropped. Jeff decided to save Russell and Lydia and threw Natalie and Jessie on the block. Jessie was evicted 3-2 and fans were so relieved.
Jessie admitted that he knew all along the power would be used and he’d be going home. America (and Canada) hated him last year, so why the hell did he think they’d actually like him this year? What was up with him ripping up his baby-blue shirt? It’s like he wore his stupid “Look at Me” t-shirt underneath the whole time because he knew he’d be the one going home, not Russell or Lydia.
Chima tried really hard not to blow up – it was really amusing. I found it funny that even her grandmother has been disappointed in her behaviour. Chima’s really done a number on Kevin…she told him who to put against each other during the HoH competition. Anyone else think Kevin looks like a turtle? He always looks like he’s in pain or going through a rough patch. A friend said to me in week one that “Kevin looks like ‘everyday is a bad day’” and it is still cracking me up to this day. I also keep flashing back to when Kevin hit the red button which made all the viewer messages play…“I saw the red button and I HIT the bitch!”
Michele won HoH…I hope she remains loyal to Jeff and Jordan. Chima, Lydia and Natlalie were quite pathetic…they cried all night for Jessie. Honestly Lydia…you were saved from the block! Chima/Nat/Lydiot’s pimping of Jessie is reminiscent of the Cappie crap fans had to go through in BB’s sixth season. Back to Chima, apparently she emptied out Russell’s suitcase and stole Jeff’s rosary last night. Michele invited Jordan to spend her first night in the HoH room with her, so hopefully she’ll stay on the right track.
Next Thursday’s episode will be a double eviction show. I’m hoping Chima and Natalie are sent home.
Y&R’s latest twist: Devon and Tyra do the nasty
Okay so online chatter for The Young and the Restless is either extremely positive or negative…I’ve been enjoying the show quite a lot the past few months but was completely disgusted with the latest twist for the Winters clan. I could handle Adam causing Ashley’s miscarriage and then cleaning up and burning the fetus but there’s no way I could comprehend the show’s decision to have Devon (Bryton McClure) bang his aunt Tyra (Eva Marcille).
Up until a few months ago, Devon thought of Tyra has his aunt…his biological aunt…as in his mother’s (much) younger sister. The aunt that is raising his half-sister as her own. Everyone knows I’ve never been much of a fan of Devon’s, in fact, I keep seeing him as Laura and Eddie’s little cousin Richie on Family Matters. Devon’s been an upstanding character and despite his hardships as a kid (growing up in foster care, living on the streets, crunk bio-mom, loss of hearing, “dead” adopted mom) he’s grown into a moral young man…a young man that would never bed the woman who he had thought of his aunt…also a young man would never sleep with is (adopted) father’s (Neil, Kristoff St. John) girlfriend.
While Devon and the Winters clan have a had a couple of months to process the bombshell that Tyra was never really his aunt (thanks to Touched by an Angel’s Della Reese [seriously!]), fans still see Tyra as his aunt. Maybe it’s because the viewers have seen the Winters family preach for years that when it comes to family – blood and biology have nothing to do with it! If we can remember that, then why can’t the writers?
Did they do this just for the ploy of having a triangle involving a skank and a father and son? Did they really want to pull a Bold and the Beautiful stunt that badly?
And then there’s poor Roxanne (Devon’s girlfriend) who had to witness the affair. Although she stormed in and broke up with him the next morning, I hope it’s not the last we see of Roxanne. I’ve enjoyed Tatyana Ali (yes, little Ashley from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air)…hopefully they can find a way to keep her around.
Gossip Girl’s love child reunion
Some on-location photos of Gossip Girl were leaked online yesterday involving Rufus (Matthew Settle), Kelly Rutherford (Lily) embracing their love child Scott (played by Chris Riggi). I’m surprised they are already filming the reunion episode. You’d think they’d want to spread that “The love child I just told you about, who we thought was dead is actually alive” storyline throughout the season.
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