Big Brother returns this Thursday for the 12th edition. The reality series will air every Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday at 8pm on CBS and Global. The house will have an Art Deco theme this season as there will be big palm trees and walls of glass. The furniture is expected to play tribute to vintage Miami. This year’s first twist will include ‘The Saboteur’, who is basically a plant. This contestant isn’t playing for the $500,000 grand prize but is secretly working against the other houseguests (thus, sabotaging them). You can submit your own sabotage suggestions here.
Here is a round up of this season’s 13 new houseguests. Rumor has it that there was originally fourteen cast, but one houseguest bailed.
– Andrew Gordon is a 39 year-old Podiatrist from Miami Beach, Florida
– Claims to be: stubborn, spontaneous and sneaky
– Likes: video games, poker, watching football, swimming and going to Toys R Us
– Dislikes: snakes, heights, beauty (it can “control” him) and Rabbis (“self guilt”)
– Has a daughter
– Is an Orthodox Jew who will observe his religious practices inside the BB12 house. He’ll be using his own cooking utensils and will observer Shabbat and will not use electricity from sundown Friday until Saturday night
– Stalker Report: donated $500 to the National Republican Congressional Committee in July 2007
– Annie Whittington is a 27 year-old Bartender from Tampa, Florida (hometown is Chicago, IL.)
– Claims to be: outgoing, over dramatic and loyal
– Likes: anything involving adrenaline, heights, nature, laughter and fun
– Was told by producers to dye her hair brown as there were already too many
blondes going into the house
– Stalker Report: according to her Facebook profile, she likes sarongs, working out, Keane, Limp Bizkit (boo), Kings of Leon (yay), The L Word and The Ellen DeGeneres Show and is a fan of the Chicago Cubs
– She’s bisexual
– Brendon Villegas is a 30 year-old High School Swim Coach from Riverside, California
– Claims to be: fun, driven and intelligible and is also working towards a Ph.D in Physics
– Likes: running, basketball, swimming and cycling (I guess he’s athletic).
– Doesn’t want to intimidate the other guys in the house and hopes to be flirty with the girls
– Stalker Report: enjoys 80s music
– Britney Haynes is a 22 year-old Hotel Sales Manager from Huntington, Arkansas
– Is a former Semi-Finalist for the 2004 Miss Teen Arkansas beauty pageant
– Claims to be: argumentative, comedic and opinionated and says she’s a cross between Chelsea Handler and Martha Stewart
– Likes: to travel, argue, take her dog on walks, cook and clean (oh how domesticated)
– Worried about having to share the bathroom and pretending to laugh at dumb comments
– Hates living with “old people”
– Will pretend to be nice – Stalker Report: studied Communication and Spanish at the University of Arkansas and aspired to have a career in Pharmaceutical Sales
– Enzo Palumbo is a 32 year-old Insurance Adjuster from Bayonne, New Jersey
– Italian-American from Jersey stereotype
– Claims to be: funny, likeable and obnoxious
– Likes: jogging, soccer, baseball and bocce ball
– Dislikes: dirty people
– Worst part of the BB12 house for him will be the fact that there is no TV
– Hayden Moss is a 24 year-old College Student from Tempe, Arizona
– Claims to be: outgoing, athletic and charming
– Likes: snowboarding, weightlifting, working out, going to the beach, hanging out with friends and Tom Brady
– Dislikes: messy people (this will make Enzo happy)
– Not afraid of conflict
– Stalker Report: is right-handed (sorry, there’s nothing else to report…yet)
– Kathy Hillis is a 40 year-old Deputy Sheriff-Sergeant from Texarkana, Arkansas
– Claims to be: tenacious, passionate and fun-loving
– Will miss her family, phone and TV the most
– Likes: shopping (a lot), street racing and target shooting
– Ovarian cancer survivor
– Has a 23 year-old son who doesn’t know she’ll be going on the show (he thinks she’s going on an undercover assignment…well, I bet he knows now)
– Kristen Bitting is a 24 year-old Boutique Manager from Philadelphia Pennsylvania.
– Claims to be: strong-minded, motivated and kind-hearted
– Likes: going to the gym, meditating, shopping, listening to music, learning new
things, living on the edge, receiving massages and cheesecake
– Music fan: Prodigy, Rage Against the Machine, Billy Idol and Busta Rhymes
– Stalker Report: is a bikini model!
– Lane Elenburg is a 24 year-old Oil Rig Salesman from Decatur, Texas
– Claims to be: funny, outgoing and athletic
– Likes: working out, riding motorcycles, going out with friends and playing golf
– Dislikes: electric fences, people who are annoying and is also worried about sharing a bathroom
– Stalker Report: accused of assaulting his brother’s teammate in 2007.
– Matt Hoffman is a 32 year-old Web Designer from Elgin, Illinois
– Claims to be: intelligent, creative and a sweet-talker
– Likes: playing music, writing music, watching TV, playing/watching hockey, hanging out and drinking with friends and annoying people for his own amusement
– Will be “frustrated” for not knowing all the major world and pop culture news while being in the BB12 house
– Stalker Report: was the lead singer and guitarist for a punk band called Shooting Blanks
– Monet Stunson is a 24 year-old Model from Glen Carbon, Illinois
– Claims to be: exotic, active and the coolest person you will ever meet (ugh)
– Likes: shopping, working out (don’t they all this year?), running and swimming
– Dislikes: the lack of privacy that she’ll have to deal with in the BB12 house, ditsy/stupid girls and guys who think they’re “all that”
– Her proudest moment was when she won a walk-on role on The Young and the Restless (aired in January 2010)
– Was a runner-up for the 2009 Miss Illinois U.S.A. beauty pageant
– Rachel Reilly is a 26 year-old Chemistry Grad Student and VIP Cocktail Waitress from Las Vegas, Nevada
– Claims to be: bubbly, effervescent and adventurous
– Likes: painting, working out, doing anything outdoors, watching movies with friends (as oppose to enemies I guess), playing with her dog, getting dressed up and going on dates
– Dislikes: negative people, those who do not see the beauty in life and don’t understand how fortunate we are to be alive
– Was briefly a swimsuit model for Hawaiian Tropic swimwear
– Ragan Fox is a 34 year-old College Professor from West Hollywood, California
– Claims to be: funny (he really wants to make people laugh), genuine and intelligent
– He’s hosted his own podcast, Regan and the City, for the past five years which features his comedic take on pop culture and politics
– Has had two of his poetry collections published: Heterophobia and Exile in Gayville (and yes, not only is he a Liz Phair fan but also gay)
– Stalker Report: He’s got his own blog where you can find out more about him, his podcast and his flickr account