HBO’s Girls premiered last night to big critical acclaim, with many critics already hailing the show as Sex and the City for the post-recession generation. In that spirit, we took some of the episode’s best quotables and turned them into this generations advice column: memes!
— Jon Dekel
Memes Girls Say
HBO’s Girls premiered last night to big critical acclaim, with many critics already hailing the show as Sex and the City for the post-recession generation. In that spirit, we took some of the episode’s best quotables and turned them into this generations advice column: memes!
[…] completely different than anything else on TV. I love that it’s filled with girls who look like this. I love that it manages to both mock hipster navel-gazing while simultaneously reveling in it. But […]
[…] completely different than anything else on TV. I love that it’s filled with girls who look like this. I love that it manages to both mock hipster navel-gazing while simultaneously reveling in it. But […]