Ottawa’s Bruno Ielo was the latest houseguest to be evicted on Big Brother Canada. We caught up with Bruno before he headed off to the jury house to find out how he felt being evicted following the final Twistos Twist of the season, if losing his temper cost him that eviction and who he would and wouldn’t vote to win.
Did you think that the latest Twistos Twist was fair? To have Canada help out houseguests so late in the game?
My honest opinion is that this twist came too late in the game. For it to happen at a ‘Final 7’ and basically give a person to put up and take out whoever they want… But at the same time, I know what I signed up for and I’m not bitter about it. It didn’t work in my favour but if it did, it would have been my favourite twist. So you know what, it was a great move by Brittnee and there are no hard feelings.
Do you think it would have been Zach who went home should this past week went smoothly with Sarah and Brittnee. Was it easy to lose your temper in that moment with Sarah?
I think Zach definitely would have gone home if this week went smoothly with Sarah and Brittnee. It was tough… I didn’t want to lose my temper at all. The emotions are running high and with the whole triple eviction, you’re amped up and there’s so much going on. You’re always under the gun and the pressure is so high. It’s just the way it came down, she came barging into the room and came yelling at me. It’s not my proudest moment but it happened and it is what it is.
Brittnee made sure to tell everyone that Zach was the pawn, did you try to get anyone to sway their vote in the short time you had when you were on the block?
I didn’t even bother to sway anyone’s vote. Once she said Zach was the pawn and I was sitting beside him, I knew I was going home. The message was clear and I know Sarah definitely wanted me out and this was her chance. She feared me the most in the game.
There have been some big twists this season (like the Triple Eviction)…more than game moves. What was the most shocking thing you experienced in the house?
The most shocking thing that I experienced in the house was definitely the triple eviction. There’s no question about it. The fact of using the veto to save Zach, I don’t think anybody saw that coming! I still believe that it was a great move for my game. I didn’t expect the twist this week. If I had known this was coming, I would have played it a little different.
Do you think the house made a mistake voting you out instead of Zach?
It’s hard to say. I would say that they made a mistake because there are still three strong people but at the same time, if I would have survived this week and next week, I don’t think they would have ever been able to stop me. They made the right move to get me out, but at the same time, they made the wrong move because Zach, Ashleigh and Pilar are still tight and that’s a hard group to break up. I’d say that it was a smart move to get rid of me but it wasn’t a smart move to keep Zach.
Who do you think has played the best game so far? Who’d you crown the winner at this moment if you had to pick? Also, who wouldn’t it be?
I think I have to give Godfrey some credit. People underestimate him. He was a target on day one. He slept a lot and openly said that it was a strategy. “You sleep all day and people forget about you,” and you know what? He’s now sitting in the final six and I hope he’s going to start waking up and playing hard and even take it home.
100% if Pilar is sitting in the final two, she is not getting my vote. I feel that she does not deserve it. I don’t even know if she knows she’s in the Big Brother Canada house or not. She hasn’t played the game at all this year and she definitely won’t get my vote. There’s not a chance.
What’s your game plan for the jury house? Do you think any of the other jury members could sway your opinion of anyone?
Nobody will be swaying my vote. I will vote how I feel and that’s just the way it goes. If I feel that someone deserves it and they’ve played a great game, that’s who I vote for. Other people’s opinions are theirs but it’s not going to swing my vote.
Big Brother Canada airs Sundays at 7pm, Mondays at 8pm and Wednesdays at 9pm. The Big Brother Canda Side Show airs Thursdays at 10pm on Slice. Big Brother Canada After Dark airs from 3am to 6am on Slice. Canadian fans can watch the live feeds for FREE at