Rookie Blue is back tonight for its sixth season and we were lucky enough to chat with Peter Mooney (Nick Collins) about the two major developments fans should remember from last season, coming between McSwarek, Nick’s latest complicated relationship and his hopes for a seventh season.
What should fans remember from last season? Season six was originally produced as the second half of season five.
There are two main things from last season that are going to be huge influences on what happens in season six: the bomb that went off in the evidence room and the revelation of Marlo’s (Rachael Ancheril) pregnancy. Both of those are going to have lasting repercussions throughout the season.
So there were two bombs that went off…
We also met his new love interest Juliet (played by Being Erica‘s Erin Karpluk) in the season finale.
He met Juliet! She pulled away from him but we’re going to find out that she’s coming to 15 division which will further complicate things for Nick! There’s something about Juliet which will take it’s time to come out through the season. She’s very weary of having a relationship with someone at the station, but Nick doesn’t seem to mind.
He’s already been burned by both Gail (Charlotte Sullivan) and Andy (Missy Peregrym).
Yeah and I really do think that there’s something there [between them]. There’s a spark there. Erin is great to work with. She’s been a great addition to the show. Her character is great. The twists and turns with her are really fun to play.
That friendship between Nick and Gail still exists. She asked him to be a character reference for her adoption.
Which is great to see how that friendship has evolved over the seasons. It’s funny. When Charlotte and Ia re on set, we argue over who burned who… It’s an ongoing dispute between us.
But many could say that they feel that Gail burns everyone.
Yeah that’s just in her wheelhouse.
Especially herself.
Will Nick be a shoulder for Andy when it’s revealed that Sam (Ben Bass) is the father of Marlo’s baby.
I think Nick and Andy are getting to a place where they are getting to a genuine friendship and much easier working relationship. But it’s still complicated.
When Nick came between McSwarek, what was that like for you? What were the fans like to you? You were relatively new to the show when that happened.
That’s right! There were definitely two camps and I don’t know if there were many neutral parties but it was great. I loved seeing how invested people were in that and getting those reactions firsthand was great.
Nick did Andy a favour by partnering up with Duncan (Matthew Owen Murray) in the season finale. What will their relationship be like in season six? Is it going to be a friendship? Or will it be sort of a big brother/little brother situation?
I think for Nick, Duncan requires a lot of patience! [Laughs] I think he learns a lot from Duncan on that front. Duncan is really green and he does have the best intentions for the most part, but he can be pretty trying for some of us at 15.
What will Nick’s interactions with the other rookies be like this season? I guess they aren’t rookies anymore.
People are starting to grow, mature and move on. Nick and Chloe’s (Priscilla Faia) keeps growing. It’s an odd match but it’ll keep growing throughout this season. Nick’s always been sort of a lone wolf in terms of the main group, but in season six, we’ll see him in more situations with everyone else. There’s lots of fun stuff!
Any hope for the Dov (Gregory Smith) and Chloe fans?
Ah! It’s complicated. [Laughs] Everything is complicated. I don’t want to drop any major bombs.
Speaking of bombs, what else can you tell us about the bomb plot?
When we got the script for the explosion, it had all of us as actors being like behind-the-scenes detectives trying to solve it.
You must have had a lot of fun filming that.
It was so much fun. It was great because when you’re actually invested in that way, I think it really comes across.
Do you get to do your own stunt work?
We have great stunt teams on the show. They’re amazing. I love to do as much as I can just because I find it really fun. The boxing episode was a lot of fun last season and there’ll be some more stuff this season.
The sixth season hasn’t really started yet but fans already want to know if the show will come back for a seventh season.
I have no news yet. I’m hoping that we’ll know something soon.
Even if there has to be a new showrunner, are you okay with that? Tassie Cameron says she wouldn’t be coming back to helm.
Yes, absolutely. We’ve had an amazing six season run with Tassie and I think the prospects for a new season will be great.
Rookie Blue premieres its sixth season tonight at 9pm ET/PT on Global TV in Canada and will continue to air on Thursdays at 9pm. Season six of Rookie Blue will premiere in the U.S. on Thursday, June 25 at 10pm ET/PT on ABC.