Big Brother Canada’s fourth season came to an end on Thursday, May 12 with brothers Nick and Philippe Paquette from Ottawa winning over Kelsey Faith. During the press day on Friday, I finally got to meet BB Australia winner Tim Dormer and we discussed why he gave up the prize in favour of Kelsey and the brothers over Cassandra, his favourite moment in the house and more.
Canada loves you! I hope you didn’t get the wrong impression when Phil and Nick said that a Canadian should win.
Tim: I was a bit cranky at that. I think that it may have even gotten inside my head and I ended up believing it for awhile. I wondered a lot because we did those pleas to Canada for the final jury vote. I guess we’ll never find out how many voted for me because it didn’t matter — Kelsey and the brothers were final two. Imagine if I was the highest voted by Canada?!
I wouldn’t be surprised.
Tim: We’ll never know! Maybe I’ll call Big Brother. Just tell me.
Trust me, you had a lot of fans. Especially on Twitter, you had your very own Twitter army.
Tim: I love a little army! Oh good on them. Oh cool!
You really just gave it up with that last competition.
Tim: I hated it from the moment I walked in. This whole game, everybody has been saying “Oh you’ve got to study! You’ve got to memorize everything about this bloody game because at the end there are going to be competitions to win it by knowing the game.” I was just like “I hate homework.” I hated studying and I hated the fact that it’s what could make you win Big Brother Canada. That’s not what Big Brother is about for me. I don’t want to win if that’s the case. I walked out of that competition so angry. I was surprised that I was doing quite good at it, but it was that final question!
That final one also messed Kelsey up.
Tim: I knew Kelsey had taken longer than me. I knew that I had walked away before she had finished because I could hear it. In that moment, something snapped in my head, in a good way where I went “You haven’t done the study because you didn’t want to get to the end by winning competitions. You wanted to get to the end by being saved because you were genuine or people choosing to take you by being a nice guy.” I don’t know… Maybe nice guys finish last. It just felt good for me to just walk away at that point because Kelsey and the brothers had done their homework and had really wanted to win the show. It was their dream. For me, I had already won that show and that dream. I didn’t want to win this show. I didn’t like this version.
You preferred the Australian version over the Canadian?
Tim: I like it but I hate it… It was hard work.
If you were ready to forfeit this time, why not for Cassandra?
Tim: Oh, I know… What is the right answer? I think the only right answer is to be true to yourself. That’s what I did. I didn’t want to give up my place for Cassandra because I didn’t believe in the way she played the game. She told a lot of lies. That doesn’t make her a bad person, but as a player I was never prepared to play that way. If I was to walk away, she might have won… Fantastic! She’s my friend. I would have voted for her but I wouldn’t have given up my spot to say “I support you to play on.” Does that make sense?
It’s sad but it makes sense.
Tim: It’s just crazy and silly.
You were both great for TV.
Tim: Apparently! That’s what I’m hearing.
It was a very popular pairing.
Tim: Good! Oh, good.
On to those winners…
Tim: The little brothers… The brats!
Which brother is more deserving of the money?
Tim: Oh, that’s a good question… I think in different ways, Nick’s the humble one… With all the heart. He won the comps. They wouldn’t have gone that far without each other. That’s the thing. The stupid thing is why we didn’t see them as a threat early on!
No one really put them up!
Tim: That was so dumb. They were saying they were the target from the very beginning. Yeah… They were only on the block once! I was on the block four times! I saw in them aspects of a younger version of me. Maybe from when I played in Australia. I saw how much they wanted it and how hard they worked for it. When I was in Australia and worked so hard for it, some people went “He’s so cocky, so arrogant. Does he deserve it?” At the end of the day, they voted me to win and at the end of the day, I voted for the brothers to win. They do deserve it. Even if they were little brats or cocky and never owned up to anything that they were actually doing… They thought that they were the best. Yeah… I hope it was their dream come true and I’m glad that as an older brother to them, I was able to support that.
Favourite moment?
Tim: Nikki and I alone listening to music.
Worst moment?
Tim: I used to fart a lot. I used to cry a lot alone in the bath. [Laughs]
Who was the most annoying?
Tim: Phil.
Most attractive?
Tim: Gary… [Laughs] There’s something about Kelsey… You’ve got to give it to her. Kelsey and Cassandra.
Who was the funniest?
Tim: Nikki, Joel or Cassandra.
Best cook?
Tim: Myself! Kelsey’s a terrible cook. I don’t think I liked anything she made.
Tim: Kelsey’s the messiest by far.
Who should have won?
Tim: Probably me.
#BBCAN4 Rapid Fire with @timdormer
— Jeevan Brar (@JeevanBrar) May 14, 2016