Dillon Carman was the latest houseguest to be evicted on Big Brother Canada. In a shocking move last week, Head of Household and Veto winner Kevin took Ika off the block and replaced her with Dillon, thinking that Karen would vote to evict Demetres. Instead, Karen voted out Dillon! We caught up with Dillon before he head off the jury house to talk about how he wished he had worked with Ika and Demetres sooner, understanding Karen’s vote and why he doesn’t think Kevin deserves to win the game this season.
That was definitely a surprising eviction for the viewers! Did you have any confidence in Kevin’s plan at all? Or did you know you’d be the one going to jury, not Demetres?
As soon as Kevin put me on the block, I had a strong feeling that I was going to be the one getting evicted on Thursday.
Were you surprised by Karen’s eviction vote? Or do you understand her strategy/move?
It kind of goes both ways. I understand that she’s a woman of her word and I guess she had prior relationships with Ika and Demetres. But at the same time, I’m a little bit shocked by it because of our relationship in the house… I figured she would have voted for me to stay.
Do you have any predictions for what would happen to Kevin?
I really don’t. I hope Ika and Demetres can him out of there because he’s a big reason why I’m not in the house anymore!
Do you think he sealed his own fate with this past eviction move?
Maybe… yeah!
What’s your frame of mind like going into the jury house? Upset? Confused? Ready to crown a winner?
More ready to crown a winner. Now that I’m out of the game, it’s kind of over for me. I’m not bitter or anything. It’s going to be a fun time in the jury house for me.
Is there someone who you are rooting for to win?
I like Demetres. We started out on a rocky track but as the game went on, we got along very well and became good friends. I’d like to see Demetres win.
Is there someone who you don’t want to see win? Who do you think isn’t deserving of it?
Kevin. I don’t want to see Kevin win because he’s the big reason why I’m not in the house anymore. I don’t think that he played the game that he thinks he played. He thinks he played a really strategic, mater-mind type game, and I just haven’t seen it! He hasn’t been playing the game that he thinks he’s been playing.
Looking back at the season, whose eviction was the hardest on you?
Definitely Emily’s eviction. It was really hard on me. She meant a lot to me in the house to me. It was definitely the hardest eviction.
When you saw the returning players come into the house, who did you want to work with the most?
I was super excited to see them come into the house and I really wanted to work with Neda, Kevin and Bruno. Unfortunately, I was at the bottom of that alliance. It fell apart. It is what it is… You can’t dwell on the past.
Is there anyone you wish you could have worked with closer? A veteran or a newbie, doesn’t matter.
In hindsight, I would have liked to work with Ika and Demetres in the beginning of the game. I felt that we had a good relationship at the later part of the game. Situations like Demetres calling me out in week one didn’t allow that to happen.
Whose game play has surprised you the most?
Not that it’s surprising, but Ika and Demetres compliment each other’s strengths and weaknesses so well. I’m not surprised at it, but I did have a lot of respect for it.
Whose game play has disappointed you the most?
Honestly, Kevin’s. He’s just lied so much. I know that lying is supposed to be a part of the game, but I don’t feel that in order to win, you don’t have to be such a liar, manipulator or backstabber. You don’t have to be that way. I feel that that’s a big conception. You don’t need to be those things to win Big Brother. I feel that Kevin’s totally different outside of the house. Who is he in the game is not who he is as a person. So, I don’t have a lot of respect for that.
What was it like receiving the special visitors this past week? It was such a sweet moment with your mom!
That was definitely by far my best experience in the house! Seeing my mom and dog walk through those doors was an emotional moment for me. It’s something that I’ll cherish for a long time! Hands down, my favourite moment in the house!
Big Brother Canada concludes this week on Global. There will be an episode this Monday at 9 p.m. ET/PT, Wednesday at 9 p.m. ET/PT and the 2-hour finale on Thursday (May 18) at 7 p.m. ET/PT.
Catch up with the episodes on GlobalTV.com, Global Go and On Demand. The live feeds are online at bigbrothercanada.ca.