It was an explosive week on Big Brother as Cody secured HOH and nominated Megan and Jillian. Megan decided to leave the house, forcing Cody to quickly put up Alex and then almost immediately regretting the decision. Lucky for Alex, she managed to with the POV and took herself off the block. Cody decided to backdoor returning player Paul but Paul had a secret power which keeps him safe from the block. Cody then put up his ally Jillian, forcing his alliance to turn on him and vote out Jillian. We got a chance to speak with Jillian about the crazy week which led to her eviction. Jillian talks about being blindsided by the house, the most shocking moment in the house for her and who she thinks will go far this season.
How blindsided were you by your eviction? Did you have any inclining that the house would go against Cody and keep Christmas?
I was super blindsided! I swear, I didn’t imagine that in a million years. I thought for sure that it was going to go the way that we planned but as I sat on the couch, there was a moment when Alex was whispering to Jason, and Alex didn’t look at me. That’s when I thought to myself, this might not go the way I thought…But I wasn’t sure.
How close were you with Megan? Did she give you an indication that she would leave?
Megan and I were good friends, as good friends as you can be in a week. She knew a lot about the game, and I have an average amount of knowledge — so that’s kind of how we became friends. I knew she knew a lot more than me, and that it was probably in my best interest to get to know her. When she left, there was a lot of turmoil, so I’m not really sure what happened other than she didn’t come back. Had she road out the block with me, I feel like I wouldn’t be in this situation that I’m in right now because they were going to vote her out over me.
A lot has happened so early on in the game. What was the most shocking for you? Paul’s return, Megan leaving, Josh’s initial outburst toward Megan and then throwing the competition or Cody being blindsided when he couldn’t put up Paul, and then having to put up Christmas.
One of the most shocking moments for me was when Josh took the golden apple and started yelling and Megan and me. I swear, I had no idea what he was talking about. I have no idea if that was fake. I couldn’t figure out what he was talking about. He kept telling me, “You know why! You know why!” That was the first time that I had started to think that maybe aligning myself with Megan was bad, and then we got put on the block and then Megan left — it left me in a bad spot. Megan tried to blow up my game and Alex’s game before she left and then we both ended up on the block. I think that was the worst moment for me — the start of Josh doing that.
Do you think that the house will automatically turn on Jessica because of her association with Cody or would they be willing to look the other way?
Yeah, Jessica has a target on her back 100%. Raven and Elena told her, “Hey, we’d rather keep Christmas than you.” So Jessica is going to be nice to them and try to stay. But ultimately, I’m not sure. Like, if it came down to Jessica and Christmas, they’d probably keep Christmas over her either way.
Personal feelings aside, who do you think will go the furthest?
I think Matt will go the furthest at this point… Or Dominique. Matt plays a really low key game, he’s really nice to everyone, and he doesn’t fight with anyone. The same goes for Dominique. She’s so low key, she’s by herself almost all the time and only comes out to be nice here and there. So, a lot of people are targeting each other and nobody has Dominique on their radar at all.
Big Brother airs Sundays at 8 p.m. ET/PT, Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT and Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Global and CBS. Big Brother After Dark airs from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. on Slice in Canada and Pop in the U.S.