After getting a second chance, Cody Nickson was once again evicted from the Big Brother house this past week during a special double eviction episode. We spoke with Cody before he left off for the jury house about his feelings for Jessica and that fight where it looked like they weren’t going to make it as well as who he doesn’t think deserves to win the game. (Elena was also evicted in the same episode, you can click here to read that interview. Check out Cody’s first exit interview here.)
Was it harder going back in the house than you thought?
No, I really wanted to be with Jessica again so it was great to reunite with her.
Things got pretty intense with yourself and Jessica. Before you patched things up, it seemed like you two were going to split up. How did you reconcile?
We love each other. It’s just one of those things. Every single dispute between us is on national TV so if you see one fight in how ever many days where we’ve spent 24 hours with each other, we’re actually doing pretty good. So it probably wasn’t as big as everyone thought it was, it was just probably featured more because that was one of our little spats. I mean, we love being around each other like 24 hours a day, it was almost like a co-dependency… Like, I wouldn’t want to use the bathroom without Jessica coming with me. So, everything is good.
Did you notice any changes when you got back in or were things still the same in regards to the rest of the house’s blind loyalty to Paul?
They were 100% the same. I know Jessica was trying to make things happen toward, but that wasn’t the case… yeah, nothing changed.
Other than Jessica, is there someone’s gameplay that you admire or respect this season?
As a member of the jury, you’re going to have a big decision to make. Who would you think is the least deserving to go far int he game? Who do you think is the most deserving to go far in the game?
Matt, Raven and Christmas are all the least deserving because they are just safely rolling their way to the end. They are literally losing competitions to get to the end. It’s the safest trap I’ve ever seen in Big Brother history and I don’t respect it so they would never get my vote. Whoever in the end took the most risks and played the hardest, is who I am going to vote for. Definitely not the person who is going to play the safest play all the way to the end.
Big Brother airs Sundays at 8 p.m. ET/PT, Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT and Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Global and CBS. Big Brother After Dark airs from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. on Slice in Canada — check listings for air times on Pop in the U.S.