This week on The Bold and the Beautiful: Emma (Nina Sioux) pays a visit to a family member on Monday (June 11), who urges her to keep their connection a secret from the Forrester. Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) and Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) become frustrated when each defends their daughter to the other. Xander Avant (Adain Bradley) arrives in Los Angeles on Tuesday (June 12) and quickly must defend himself to his Uncle Julius (Obba Babatundé). Wyatt (Darin Brooks) and Katie (Heather Tom) share a bittersweet moment while discussing their secret relationship.
On Wednesday (June 13), Xander’s first impression of Emma is a knock-out! Thorne (Ingo Rademacher) raises Katie’s spirits by spending time with her and Will (Zane Anchor). On Thursday (June 14), Liam (Scott Clifton) fills Brooke on his confrontation with Bill (Don Diamont) and his deep remorse over the situation at hand. Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood), Hope (Annika Noelle) and Liam become emotional when Hope and Steffy seek closure and Hope meets baby Kelly.
Sally (Courtney Hope) makes a shocking revelation to Wyatt when they run into one another at the Bikini Bar on Friday (June 15). After sharing a tender moment, Liam makes a new proposal of marriage to the woman that he loves.
- Coming up on B&B during the week of June 18:
- Sally and Wyatt bond.
- Maya (Karla Mosley) finds out Emma’s last name.
- Liam and Steffy plan their next step.
- Julius and Maya question Xander.
- Taylor (Hunter Tylo) visits with Steffy.
Casting: Anna Maria Horsford is also back this week as Vivienne Avant! Look for her to appear on Tuesday (June 12) and Wednesday (June 13).
The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CTV Two and CBS. Canadian viewers can catch up on demand, on the CTV Go app, and online at