12 Monkey, Showcases’ new series inspired by the classic ‘90s Brad Pitt/Bruce Willis flick, will make its debut this Friday, January 16 at 10 p.m. The Toronto-shot series (which airs
12 Monkeys
-- Shaw Media has picked up the 12 Monkeys television series, which began production in Toronto this past summer. Based on Terry Gilliam’s 1995 film (which starred Bruce Willis), the
Jeevan Brar10 years ago
-- Happy Thanksgiving! Gilmore Girls will begin streaming on Netflix in Canada today. We’re getting all seven seasons, just like the Americans did earlier this month. -- Katy Perry will
Jeevan Brar10 years ago
-- Look for Anchorman 2 to hit theatres two days early on Wednesday, Dec. 18. -- Although they were shut out of the big NHL deal, TSN says that it
Jeevan Brar11 years ago