Julia Nolan, the 23-year-old marketing intern, was the latest houseguest evicted on Big Brother Thursday night after the house voted her out instead of her twin sister Liz.
When exactly did you and Liz decide that she was going to stay and that you were going to leave?
When I was having a conversation with Liz and Austin in the purple room, we weighed out all our options and decided that Liz had a better chance of winning the entire game. Liz would be playing for first and I would be playing for second since I never won an HOH.
Before entering the house and revealing the twist, did you and Liz work on a strategy?
Not get detected! We were a little naïve and didn’t actually think people would find out!
At what point do you think that Liz and Austin will start having to play themselves rather than couple or showmance?
Well, there’s only two more weeks left, so pretty soon. If they’re ever on the block together, they will be playing for themselves from that point forward since we know Austin won’t save her over himself.
Do you think that Austin could ultimately hurt Liz’s chances at winning?
That’s one of my fears. Yes, she’s more of a target because of her showmance with Austin.
You were quite upset with Austin this week. Do you think you could have made it further if Austin and Liz did not couple up? DO you feel that Austin’s relationship with your sister cost you a stronger alliance with your sister?
No, I think Austin and Liz’s relationship helped us get as far as we did. People were afraid of us as a trio and it would have been easier for houseguests to target my sister and I if it weren’t for Austin.
However, I was mad that Austin knew all along when Steve put him and Liz on the block, that Liz was the target. I feel like that’s something he should have shared with us instead of keeping us in the dark.
This week, Big Brother will air Sunday, Tuesday & Wednesday at 8 p.m. with evictions happening on Tuesday & Wednesday. Season 17’s 90-minute finale airs Wednesday, September 23 at 9:30 p.m.