
Big Brother Exit Interview: Kaitlyn Herman

big brother kaitlyn herman exit interview

big brother kaitlyn herman exit interview

Life coach Kaitlyn Herman was the latest houseguest to be evicted from the Big Brother house this past week — even after getting a chance to stay in the game. We chat with Kaitlyn about the surprise vote to keep her, looking at life through a lens of love, and what she’s taking away from this experience.

You seemed just as surprised about JC’s vote to keep you as the viewers did. Where do you think that came from? Do you think his vote had more to do with throwing doubt and confusion into the house than keeping you?

No — I think JC genuinely felt in his heart compassion for me in that moment. I really don’t believe his vote to keep me was game related at all. I love him for that.

You had 2 and a half minutes to fight for the chance to stay in the game. How hard was it to concentrate on that puzzle? Were you able to keep a clear mind with the noise and everything that was going on?

It was impossible to keep a clear mind. I had so much going on in my heart and in my head and it was completely impossible to focus.

Looking back, do you understand why Fessy decided to use his veto on Haleigh?

From a game perspective, yes. From a personal perspective, I will never understand. But, this is a game, so I get it.

Do you understand Sam’s decision to put you and Haleigh up on the block? Did it really have to do with “female empowerment”?

I will never understand Sam’s decision. Especially because the only reason she is still in that house is because of me. There were bigger fish to fry. We were not those fish.

Who do you think is playing the best game right now and why?

I think Kaycee is playing the best game so far. She speaks very little but she is compassionate. She has this ability to make everyone feel loved. She is laying low and I could really see her getting to the end.

You took a very different approach to being evicted. What can you share about finding the positivity and the call for a higher purpose?

We all have a choice in any given situation that life throws at you. You have the choice to look at everything through a lens of love instead of fear. One of my core values in life is to see everything through a lens of love. When a situation is completely out of your control, it is way better to choose to look at it from a positive perspective.

What do you think your purpose was to have played Big Brother? What are you taking away from the experience and what did you learn the most about other people and yourself?

There was no purpose for me to be on this show other than to find out more about myself. There were parts of me that I thought were healed that were not and without this show, I don’t think that those things would have been healed. There was alight shining on those things and I can walk out of this house and work on those things. I am in a constant state of trying to better myself. There is always room to grow.

Big Brother airs Sunday at 8 p.m. ET/PT, Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET/PT, and Thursday at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Global and CBS.


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