The BEST TV moment of this past week had to be when Mark-Paul Gosselaar appeared in character as Zack Morris on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Gosselaar hasn’t aged at all since he last played Zack fifteen years ago. Jimmy Fallon has been pushing for a Saved by the Bell reunion since March; all he needs now are for Screech and Kelly to agree. Here’s an interview Gosselaar did with Star Pulse after the Late Night appearance…and here’s a clip of the show. I still can’t get over at how awesome it all was: the hair, the outfit, the cell phone, addressing the move from Indiana to California AND a performance by Zack Attack!
Screenwriter Brian Lynch seems to prove that 30 Rock is a definite rip off of The Muppet Show…I was skeptical at first, but completely agree. Check it out for yourself here.
So last week on The Young and the Restless, Adam donned a black wig and wore Sabrina’s dress and scared Ashley so much that she fell down the stairs and miscarried. He then blackmails a doctor into making Ashley believe that she’s still pregnant. I really enjoy villains…but has Adam gone too far? Could this be the real reason why Chris Engen (Adam) quit? Ashley’s always been a snob, but there’s no way she deserves this…especially since she’s been so nice to Adam while everyone else has treated him like crap. I hope that they don’t have to write the character out once he gets caught. Adam could be a good long term villain, like the classic Sheila Carter. I hope they don’t turn him into a cartoon. Here’s the clip if you missed it.