Sarah Miller was the first Big Brother Canada houseguest to be evicted in last night’s special double eviction. The 32-year-old mother of two was put up on the block by Heather when Kenny took himself off the block. Up against Allison, Sarah was voted out 4-3.
Sarah spoke to me about her family’s support, dealing with Sabrina inside the house and why forming an alliance with the other women wasn’t a viable option for her.
It must have been so emotional last night?
It has been an emotional 43 days!
I bet! Have you had a chance to speak with your family yet?
No, I have not talked to my family yet!
Oh no!
I know, it’s killing me!
So you thought you could just walk out of the house and talk to your family? They’re really making you wait!
No! That’s not how it works. [Laughs]
How was the decision made in your family for you to come on here and play Big Brother Canada?
Honestly, my husband is an amazing man. He pretty much lets me do whatever I want, whenever I want! When I said, “I think I’m going to audition for Big Brother, he was totally on board! It was actually my middle sister, Amy, who pushed me to do it. She’s the one who got me out of bed early and brought me to the [audition] line and waited there with me. That’s how it all started!
How were you able to deal with missing your kids?
Paul and Ika both have kids as well. It was pretty crazy because there were three parents in the house. There was a lot of crying! I’m a crier. That’s how I handle stress, happiness, sadness – everything. But most of the crying was for missing the kids, that’s for sure. Just not being able to know if they miss me or if they were okay – that was a big part of it.
As for the game…
What game? Was I playing a game? [Laughs] Not really, that’s why I’m here!
Some would say you picked the wrong side. When Canada put up Andrew and Sabrina, why didn’t you distance yourself from them?
I was working with Arlie for this backup plan alliance, which I didn’t realize was more of what he wanted as his first choice. I was led to believe that this was a backup incase the “First Five” fell apart. When Canada put Andrew and Sabrina up, I knew that Plan B was likely where I was going to end up but I still felt some ties to them, especially Kenny. Sabs – she’s so dramatic and needs so much handholding! I though, “If I let this poor little thing out in the world, what’s going to happen to her?” I was conflicted.
How difficult was it to deal with Sabrina? She asked you if she was a bitch and you said no, but in the diary room, you just laughed the whole thing off.
Because she doesn’t’ actually want you to tell her the truth. She wants you to tell her what is going to make her feel better and that’s the only way to deal with Sabrina. Otherwise, she will not let it go! She can be relentless and it will be horrific. It was more draining on me than anyone else.
I lied to Sabrina. A lot.
It was a very emotional game. When the other houseguests were bashing Ika for taking the money and destroying the letters, you didn’t really blame her. You understood what she had done. How hard was it to watch the emotions of others hurt their game?
It’s funny because if that were me, I don’t know if I could have taken the money. I think I would have given the letters, regardless of what my situation was.
I really didn’t understand all the craziness that happened right after. I get that she said some things, but Ika has a big personality. She had all these people against her. Most of them she didn’t even like. I found that people were overreaction on the things that she was saying.
What are your thoughts on the women in the house for not forming a viable alliance?
The “First Five” alliance was my first priority. The girls’ alliance that they were trying to form was just to bring information back [to the “First Five]. If I fully believed in the girls’ alliance or if I strongly believed in it enough that we could have made it work, I would have made a switch. But it was so early on and they felt really young to me. I felt like I could not talk to them. I felt like I was an outcast and that I was always the last to know any bits of information. Sabrina was running the show there if and I Sabrina was running the show, then it’s not the place to be! That’s what made my decision.
With the remaining houseguests that are left, is there anyone who you are rooting for?
I’m 100% rooting for Arlie. I hope he wins. I think he’s brilliant. I hope he figures out a way to make it to the end.
Do you have any predictions for this upcoming week? Jon won HOH.
Oh, shit! So then Arlie may not make it… I think that Arlie or Allison will be in jeopardy this week.
How would you describe the past 43 days inside the Big Brother Canada house?
Mind-blowingly ridiculous.
Big Brother Canada airs Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 9 p.m. ET, The Big Brother Canada Side Show airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET and Big Brother Canada After Dark airs nightly from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. ET on Slice. Viewers can watch live feeds of the house at
[…] Click here to read the exit interview with Big Brother Canada’s Sarah Miller. […]