
Big Brother Exit Interview: John McGuire

big brother john mcguire interview

big brother john mcguire interview

John McGuire aka Johnny Mac was the second houseguest evicted this week on Big Brother. We caught up with 27-year-old Dentist from Scranton, Pennsylvania, before he went to the jury house to talk about his favourite memory of this summer, what he thinks of Vanessa’s gameplay that criteria he will use to help crown the winner next week.

What was your strategy coming into the game? You mentioned that you hated watching “nerdy know-it-alls” like Ian, Nicole and Derrick from past seasons because they let their knowledge of the game turn into hero worship. You seem to have stayed true to yourself and played your own game.

My strategy was to not spill anyone’s information to anyone else. I really didn’t have any game conversations until an hour before the first nominations were made. That’s probably why I was nominated. However, I stayed around as long as I did because I kept everyone’s information to myself and people felt like they could trust me. Even with Austin, he trusted me because of the way I acted in the game up until we blindsided him. When I went back in the second time, I started being brutally honest with everyone and they felt I was only doing that with them. They didn’t think to cross check their stories with the other houseguests since I was having these same brutally honest conversations with other people in the house.

You had the rare opportunity of coming back into the house. Although you did not end up winning, was there anything that you set out to accomplish during your return that you saw fulfilled?

When I came back into the house, I wanted to send as many people to jury as I could and I got four of the seven people who just evicted me to jury. I think that’s pretty good! It didn’t really matter what order they went in, I just wanted to see them all leave.

How do you feel about Vanessa’s gameplay this season? She’s been calculating and flip flopping between sides — do you think it was a genius strategy or will it cost her the game?

Vanessa’s gameplay is really good. She can convince people to do things that are really dumb and it’s amazing. She won the competing when she needed to which is the biggest difference from my game. I wish more people would have caught on to her sooner.

Your role this season isn’t over yet. What do you hope to achieve as a member of the jury?

As a member of the jury, I guess I want to be sure the right person wins and even now, I’m not sure. If you want the best strategist to win, it’s Vanessa. If it’s someone who didn’t tick a whole lot of people off, it’s one of the other two but I’m not sure what my final criteria is for my vote yet.

What was your favourite memory of your summer inside the Big Brother house?

My favourite moment was the ‘On the Edge’ competition. I saw a similar one in season 14 and I knew it looked epic on TV. It was just awesome to be in that moment. I like running though mudders and stuff like that, so getting a chance to be in this competition was fantastic.

Big Brother next airs this Sunday at 8 p.m. on Global and CBS. The 90-minute season finale airs Wednesday, September 23 at 9:30 p.m.


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