
Big Brother Canada Exit Interview: Mark Chrysler

big brother canada mark chrysler

big brother canada mark chrysler

The first contestant to be evicted from the fifth season of Big Brother Canada was Mark Chrysler, the 24-year-old bartender from Edmonton, AB.

We got a chance to talk to Mark following his eviction, where he discusses the blow up with Ika and Cassandra before his eviction, Karen’s reign as HOH and who he’s picking to win!

Why do you think you appeared to be a bigger threat than Demetres?

I think my social game had a really big impact. A lot of people told me that I was the one they could see winning this entire game. They really saw Demetres as essentially someone they could control and stir him towards voting in the favour. They weren’t really sure where I was going  and I had my own game set up, which they thought could go far.

Seems like the game started immediately this year? Usually everyone plays it safe the first week.

I think it was by just putting two very physical players up on the block no the first week and having to battle it out. Demetres and I wanted to do whatever it would take to win and stay in the house, even if that meant stirring up a little drama. We wanted to build up all that tension just to get every vote possible. We really think that divided the house and make people choose their allies a little bit quicker.

What can you tell us about what happened with Cassandra and Ika before the eviction episode? [Mark told his allies that he believed that Ika and Gary had been targeting him. This made it back to Gary and then he and Ika confronted Mark. Mark told them it was Cassandra who had pointed the finger to Ika and Gary).

So, I definitely had a bit of a hand in that. They never really liked each other to begin with and I definitely saw that crack. I unintentionally created a big stir in the house. I dropped that grenade and ran. Leaving the house, I really didn’t get to talk about my case and I really feel like that put a huge crack and divide in the house.

How did you feel about having that big of a number of returning players this year?

I think it’s huge. All these players have played this game before. They want to win just as badly as we do. I really think that a lot of veterans wanted to align with each other because they are strong, not so much as physical players, but as mental and social players. It’s definitely very intimidating being a newer houseguest and go up against them. But you know what, everyone starts off with a “Day 1” for everyone. So, I’m really excited to see how alliances will form based off of the newcomers and veteran houseguests.

Did anyone’s game play surprise you so far?

I really like Dre’s gameplay. She’s a very smart girl and has aligned herself really well with William. They’re the “French Connection.” And Gary… I feel like he’s a very big social threat and can see him going very far in this game, so for Dre to align herself with him, was a really smart move.

Anyone’s game play disappoint you?

Will’s game disappointed me a little bit. He’s definitely been more so the follower… Where he’s choosing to vote for whoever Dre is choosing to vote for. I feel that he could go really far with his social game. He’s a very smart guy and I feel that he isn’t taking advantage of it.

What did you do with your week in the house that you think will leave a lasting impression on your housemates?

It was definitely that last hour before the eviction ceremony. Everyone had me down and out and I was even telling myself, “this is it.” I had one more stir in the house that ended up essentially dividing this entire house… One week one, nobody wants that! Everyone wants to follow what the entire house is doing but I was able to show everyone’s true colours and essentially wake up the house. I really feel that will make or break a lot of people’s game.

How did you feel about Karen’s reign as HoH?

It sucks because I’m obviously out because of her… Karen and I never really saw eye to eye. She and Demetres were definitely a lot closer than her and I. It sucks, but you know what? At the end of the day, I have to give her credit because she wanted to take out a strong physical player and she did! I really wish she wasn’t me, but good job for her!

Do you think your eviction was based on being a threat or do you think that one side of the house was trying to send a message to there other? It was definitely a house divided.

I definitely think it was because I was a strong, physical threat. Since it was week one, no one really knows where they kind of see themselves and who they want to align with just yet. They also wanted to get out someone who had a strong social game as well.

Do you have a pick to win?

I would love for Kevin to win. I think he’s playing a really smart game right now. He’s staying under the radar but he’s also being a strong player at the same. But you know what? I could kind of see Gary go far again. He just has that personality that people are scared of but just love to be around as well! He’s an absolute character and I love him to death. I could definitely see him going far.

Big Brother Canada airs Mondays at 9 p.m. ET/PT, Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT and Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Global. Catch up with episodes on GlobalTV.com, Global Go and On Demand. The live feeds are online at bigbrothercanada.ca.


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