This week on Coronation Street: Alya receives a video message from Aidan, Sean’s desperation continues, the Rovers has new landlords.
On Monday’s (August 20) double-header: Henry attends his meeting at the bank. Abi prepares for the twins’ visit. Toyah goes behind Peter’s back. Steve finds a drunken Abi at the tram station. Rana confronts Saira. Gemma is stunned to find Johnny and Jenny behind the Rovers bar.
Tuesday (August 21): Claudia and Maria discuss the colour scheme for the new salon. Abi’s concerned when the social worker calls to see her. Carla’s lost for words. Duncan is charged with fraud.
Wednesday (August 22): Alya watches an important DVD. Sally and Tim host a BBQ. Jenny offers Gemma an olive branch. Tim congratulates Sally on her fundraising skills.
Thursday (August 23): The final preparations take place for the family fun day at Speed Daal. Alya forms a plan. Jude and Angie attend another marriage guidance session. The police interview Sally.
Friday (August 24): The police present Sally with copies of her bank statements. Jenny catches Sean red handed. Toyah applies for the Counsellor position at the medical centre.
Coming up on Coronation Street in Canada during the week of August 27:
- Gary returns from Scotland.
- Carla is shocked by Peter’s generous offer.
- Eileen quizzes Sean about his living arrangements.
- Rana lies to her mother.
- Audrey goes to see Lewis.
Coronation Street airs weeknights on CBC, with an omnibus edition airing Sunday mornings. You can also catch up via the CBC App and online at