The TV Watercooler had the opportunity to interview second-place winner Claudia Campbell and runner-up Daniel Clark following the Big Brother Canada season 11 finale to chat about when they had to pivot their strategies, which eviction hit them the hardest, and their favourite alumni visits.
What was the biggest pivot or turning point in both of your strategies?
Claudia: For me and my strategy, I was going to allow my social game to get me to the first part of this game and then I knew I was going to have to win comps to get through the end.
I think part of my strategy was also being able to adapt and change my game because every single time that somebody leaves that house, you can look at the remaining houseguests and figure out which relationships you need – like who you need to be close to, or not close to, at that time.
I think a turning point for me in this game was probably that double [eviction] when I did decide to stick with Ty and go to the end with Ty. That was a huge point where I was adapting my game. It was a really hard decision, and I would say a turning point in my strategy.
Daniel: For me, it was crazy because I knew I was going to go in and the plan was always just to use the social the whole way through and I had to do two pivots, actually, because I went in and the first pivot was on Day 2. I went in and I didn’t expect to not feel as connected with people as I would have liked.
I’m a big personality. There were a whole bunch of different personalities in there and I didn’t think I was going to be able to mesh with them. So, my game started differently than I expected it to. Once I started to socially get started and make connections with people, I actually then pivoted back into the type of game that I wanted to play.
Once Zach had left the game, I then pivoted my alliances from there and was able to start making new connections to keep going further in the game. Zach was my connection with Ty and the other guys, so then I switched over and started to work with the girls and then my big alliance kind of formed.
The next pivot was that I started making another alliance with Claudia.
So, it was to always just keep pivoting my social game.
Which eviction hit you the hardest?
Claudia: For me, that’s an easy one – I would say Shanaya. That was really the hardest moment that I had in this game.
Going into the double, I did not see it playing out that way, you know. Even if you think about every possible option or something like that. That was just brutal. It was the toughest and hardest thing that I had to do.
Daniel: For me, I know it won’t look like that because of what happened before, but the hardest one for me, 100%, was Kuzie’s eviction.
I had two of my tightest allies on the block against each other, and it was a very hard decision having to choose between your friends and one of them will be going out those doors. They become people that you actually care about and will continue to care about in the outside world [once the game ends].
What was the hardest part about being in the house?
Claudia: I mean, there are a lot of things that you quickly do adjust to being inside that house [at the start of the game], but you know that everyone in there is going through the same thing and are likely feeling the same things that you are.
I think it’s really hard [at first]. You have to trust yourself and you don’t have people to confide in [right away] and get that advice because everyone’s playing the game. So, I think that’s the hardest part – having to rely on and trust yourself and go with your gut.
Daniel: For me, the hardest part on top of that was the fact that all these people in the house are your world and we’re playing this game where you have to cut these people. You have to become cutthroat to people who you start having real, genuine connections with.
I was in a position where my friends kept going on the block together. So, it’s cutting people who you genuinely care about, but then you must be selfish about it and do what’s best for you to move forward. It’s something that you don’t ever think about having to do in your real life. It’s very tough.
We had some great cameos from previous houseguests – including Rachel Reilly from Big Brother U.S. – which ones were your favourites?
Claudia: Oh my gosh, for me that’s super tough. I just think that whole murder scene was the coolest thing. Like, waking up in the middle of the night and walking down and realizing there were real people in our backyard. I thought they were statues, and then I was like, “Oh, my God, they’re real!” It was really cool to see all four of them there.
Daniel: Yes, 100% agree. Like the crime scene, and that whole element was amazing.
Of course, I’m a super fan of this game, so I can’t pick one – there are three girls that are on my list! My Canadian babes! My girl Betty and Victoria – Spicy V – and Rachel Reilly!
What was your most memorable moment?
Claudia: I loved the moments when someone came into the house. Those were such big moments for us because it was nice to see somebody new.
Daniel: I think that we’ll both agree, but the moments where we weren’t talking game, where we’re just hanging out in the backyard, talking about life. Those moments were memorable for sure.
Which other houseguests are you looking forward to spilling tea with the most?
Claudia: I need the girls! My Girly Pops. I want to sit down with Shanaya and Renee and spill all the tea about what’s happened!
Daniel: Everybody already knows it’s Anika! My bird! I can’t wait to sit with her, we’re going to spill it all!
Outside of being with family, what’s the first thing you want to do when you get home?
Claudia: I think I just want to spend some time outside and catch up on new music. I also want to catch up on all the drama with celebrities and catch up with the world. I’d like to relax!
Daniel: Let’s get the Netflix rolling! Let’s get some drinks! Let’s go shopping, please! I mean, I didn’t get that coin, so I’m not going to do too much of it. But I need to go to a store. I’m just excited to be with friends and family. Music! TV!
Check out The TV Watercooler‘s full Big Brother Canada season 11 coverage here.