Jordan Parhar, the 21-year-old student from Cloverdale, B.C., was the latest houseguest to be evicted from the Big Brother Canada house. We chat with Jordan about the shocking eviction, what it was like having an evicted houseguest return to the game and who he’d crown as the winner.
Your strategy was to make friends and gain their trust early on — which you did with Zach. In addition to being a Big Brother superfan, you also really like House of Cards and wanted to be the Frank Underwood of this game… Instead you were the one who was pushed in front of a train!
Based on listening to me talk or watching the feeds, yes, I am a superfan. The part of playing the game that I don’t think you don’t really understand until you are actually in there is how tough it is to trust other people. I let Zach put me up as a pawn because I thought it was a good strategy. We were both very close in the house and I didn’t want everyone to know that. This was a move that Dan and Memphis did in Big Brother 10 to hide the Renegades alliance and it worked for them. Dan won the game and Memphis finished in second place. I figured for me at the time that it would be okay… Especially because Zach was the HOH and that he would pull me off the block if he had won the Power of Veto and if anything happened, he’d be the tie breaker in the eviction. This was before Sindy came back and it would have been a four/four tie. I figured he’d keep me safe and that I would have nothing to worry about. Ultimately, it bit me in the butt! So yeah, it didn’t work out. I am the Zoe Barnes!
Well, I think just based on just listening to me talk or watching the feeds, yes — I’m a superfan. The part of playing the game that I don’t think you don’t really understand until you’re actually in there, how tough it is, how you can trust people. I let Zach put me up as a pawn because I thought it was a good strategy. Him and I were very close in the house and I didn’t want everyone else knowing that. This is a move that Dan and Memphis did in Big Brother 10 to hide the Renegades alliance and it worked for them. Dan won the game and Memphis finished second. So, I figured for me — at the time I thought it would be okay — especially because Zach was the HOH and that he would pull me off the block if he won the Power of Veto and even if anything funny happened, he’d be the tie breaker in an eviction, this is before Sindy came back. If it was a four/four tie, I figured he was HOH and he’d keep me safe and that I would have nothing to worry about. But, ultimately, if bit me in the butt. So yeah, I didn’t work out. I am the Zoe Barnes!
This was the first time this season that the votes weren’t unanimous. The other side of the house finally made a power move and sent a message to Zach. Being one of his closest allies in the house, how do you see him reacting to this? (While there was a divide before, it was drawn in the sand with your eviction votes).
Zach is probably crapping his pants right about now because he thought that everybody in the house was on his side and that’s part of the reason why he put me on the block. He didn’t want to have any enemies in the house. He wanted everyone to be working for him. So, he thought if he put up somebody like Sarah or Birttnee, they would be upset with him and he thought it would just be easier to put me up because I would be loyal to him no matter what. Ultimately, it didn’t work out for him. They decided to turn the tables on him and voted me out. Now, he’s surrounded. Everybody is going to be coming after him, except the couples, and he’s going to be in for a crazy couple of weeks.
How did Zach rise to power? Why did you let him?
Zach and I rose to power together in the game because we had a lot of information though relationships that we built. He was very close with the Chop Shop and I was close with Sarah, Brittnee, Kevin and some people on the other side of the house. We were able to compare notes and we were able to really run the game for the first few weeks. What happened this week is that he won HOH and when you’re the HOH, you have all the power. So, I trusted that if I let him take the HOH, take the reigns and that if he were able to win the Power of Veto, he’d pull me out of the block and ultimately he chose not to and that’s my own fault for trusting him to do so. I have nobody to blame but myself.
How did you and the other houseguests feel about Sindy coming back into the house this week? You guys did have a showmance for a day (or a quick minute), did you want her to come back or were you and the rest of the house hoping someone else would come back?
It’s a double-edged sword for whoeover is coming back. Yes, I wanted Sindy to come back because I knew that she would be working for me and with me but at the same time, I knew that Sindy wasn’t the greatest at the game and I figured that would not be the greatest for me game because she wasn’t the greatest player and people would view me as the bigger threat if I had a showmance on top of my relationship with Zach. I just think that people in general were happy that it was Sindy and not somebody like Graig or Naeha, I think that would have just blown the roof off the house…. But, nobody really wanted to see anybody come back. It kind of threw everything into chaos. If Sindy would not have come back into he game, It think that Zach would have gone through with our initial plan to backdoor Bobby or Bruno this week and I’d stay in the house.
You will be the first member of the jury. Knowing what you know now, if you had to crown a winner, who would it be and why? Also, who wouldn’t it be?
If I could crown a winner right now, I’d probably choose my good pal Kevin. I think he’s played a good game under the radar. He’s a great physical and mental competitor. He’s just a great player. He’s intelligent and I think that if he can somehow skate by these next few weeks and build a new alliance and work from there, then hopefully he can get to the end of the game.
I really don’t want to see Willow win the game. She’s been a floater this entire time. She goes up to everybody and talks smack about everybody else and tries to get us all to turn on each other. I just don’t really understand her strategy. She’s a nice enough girl and nothing against her personally, I just really do not like her game at all… So, I don’t want her to win.
Who would you like to see in the jury house with you next week?
I would love to see Sarah because Sarah totally backstabbed me and slit my throat! So, I think it would be great to see her face on an emotional level. But I would also love to see Bobby as well because he’s been very arrogant this entire game, thinking that he’s been running the house and he hasn’t been. But I don’t think it will be Bobby next week because he’s in a very good position with the other side of the house, but I would love to see him.
Big Brother Canada airs Sundays at 7pm, Mondays at 8pm and Wednesdays at 9pm. The Big Brother Canda Side Show airs Thursdays at 10pm on Slice. Big Brother Canada After Dark airs from 3am to 6am on Slice. Canadian fans can watch the live feeds for FREE at