The “King” was dethroned on Thursday’s Big Brother Canada as Winnipeg’s Jared Kesler was the first houseguest to be evicted in a special “double eviction” episode. We spoke with Jared about the stunning eviction, who he thinks has made the biggest move in the house and whether or not his alliance with Kelsey hurt his game.
You must regret not getting the haircut. Did you really think you were that safe?
I truly did think I was that safe with Cassandra. I truly thought that she would be putting up Joel as the replacement nominee and that I didn’t have to take any of those punishments to hinder my game.
Is that why you and Kelsey didn’t fight for the veto? You were both convinced you wouldn’t be going up.
We were definitely convinced that we’d be playing in the future — where I’d be playing for the Power of Veto next week to protect myself. I really felt a bit too safe this week, I guess.
Do you think aligning yourself with Kelsey benefitted your game or hurt your game?
It’s a double edged sword but it helped my game. It kept me sane in the house. It made the experience a heck of a lot better. But at the same time, it painted a big target on my back because everyone saw us as a threat because we were so close to each other.
Looking back, is there a connection or potential alliance that you wish you would have worked with?
I would have loved to have worked with Ramsey a bit more. We connected very much so. It’s too bad that he left on the terms that he had to leave on. He’s a great guy. We had a lot in common.
Looking back, would you have preferred having Loveita back? While having Kelsey back gave you a number, it also made the target bigger. Do you see it that way?
There were pros and cons to either one coming back in the house. For my sanity, I was glad that Kelsey came back in the house. We were told that if Loveita did come back in the house, she would have wanted to work closely with Raul and I. Either way, it would have benefitted us.
Which houseguest surprised you the most?
Definitely Cassandra for turning on me at this point in the game when she knew that I had her back for a lot longer.
Who do you think has made the biggest move in the house this season?
I think it’s Cassandra because she was the first one to turn on someone that she really trusted and make a really big move.
Who are you rooting for to win?
Of course I would love to see Kelsey win, but I wouldn’t be disappointed if Joel or the brothers made it to the end of the game. I think that Joel has played a great game and is a great listener. He’s played the majority of the house! He definitely deserves to win.
What is your jury strategy? Will you be trying to sway votes a certain way?
I don’t think anyone will be able to sway votes. I’m going to go in there and tell everyone what happened in the week that I got evicted. For the majority of it, I think that everyone is going to have their own opinions and views about it, whether people try to influence them or not.
You’re off to the jury house. Do you still see yourself as the “King”?
Definitely not the Prom King that I was dubbed! I’ve been dethroned and I’m going to enjoy my time with all my friends in the jury house.
Big Brother Canada airs Wednesdays at 9pm ET/PT, Thursdays at 8pm ET/PT and Sundays at 7pm ET/PT on Global. The Big Brother Canada Side Show airs Fridays at 10pm ET on Slice (and repeats Saturdays at 8pm ET/PT on Global). Big Brother Canada After Dark airs nightly from 3am to 6am ET on Slice. Episodes as well as the live feeds are available at