Big Brother Canada had a double eviction on the April 28th episode. Jared was the first houseguest to be evicted (read the exit interview here), and then wildcard U.K. contestant Nikki Grahame was next. While we were unable to send questions to Nikki ourselves, the team at BBCAN provided us with a great Q&A. Check it out below.
How shocked were you to be evicted?
I was half expecting it. I survived the first one, but before I could absorb that fact, I was back on the block! What did come as a surprise was Tim not voting to save me.
Do you think you could have gone all the way?
I think I could have lasted one more week, at least. I’ve come this far, so to fall at the last hurdle is a bit of a kick in the gut.
Who or what do you think was most responsible for your eviction, and why?
I think that little meeting Tim held in the backyard before the POV ceremony had a lot to do with it. I just sat on the sofas… I wish I’d gone out there. I trusted Tim and that was probably a big mistake.
What was the hardest thing to deal with in the Big Brother Canada house?
The brutalness of the people talking about you, in front of you, walking into conversations where people are talking about you, having to vote each other out. The sheer cutthroat parts of the game, really.
We saw you have a hard time with things that happened in the house — slop, for instance.
Slop was hell on Earth. I literally had to take each day at a time, because I just wanted to leave. I couldn’t bear the whole idea of a week on slop. Luckily, we got pizza halfway through the week, so that was a good break.
What were the differences that surprised you between Big Brother Canada and Big Brother U.K.?
After Big Brother U.K., you have your friends and family waiting for you the minute you come out of the house, but in Canada you go straight to the jury house. Also in Big Brother U.K., you’re strictly not allowed to talk about nominations. It’s forbidden. It’s crucial that your fate lies in the hands of the housemates.
What’s your favourite memory from the Big Brother Canada house?
My favourite memory by far is the live kangaroo in the backyard, and the three cutest puppies I’ve ever seen in my life. Just being voted into the Big Brother Canada house was a huge achievement. I’m really grateful to Canada for being so welcome to me, and so lovely. I think that exit will stay with me forever and I think everyone that was there.
Going in as a wildcard, what did you expect from the Canadian houseguests?
Well, they were never going to be really happy to have two additions to the house but once they got to know us, we were alright!
Who do you plan on being friends with outside of the house?
I’m obviously going to be friends with Joel. I’d like to say Tim, but it’s still a bit raw. He’s upset me quite a bit, but I’ll give him a chance to grovel. And maybe Cassandra, just because she’s so funny. And Mitch, of course!
What were some of the biggest challenges you had in the house? Did you enjoy competing against the other houseguests?
I despised the challenges. It was the worst, ever. It was hard. I never ever won a challenge. I’m not going to miss those one bit.
You gave your fellow houseguests nicknames when they annoyed you. Which nickname was your favourite?
It would have to be “Hyena” for Raul and “Poison” for the poisonous one, Maddy.
Why did you call Raul a hyena?
Because he was always squawking, making noise and being obnoxious. Perhaps just like how I would imagine a hyena to behave. Maddy was poisonous. The name says it all, really. She was pure poison.
Do you have any regrets?
My only regret would be leaving my fate in Tim’s hands, because it proved I couldn’t trust him in the end. So yeah, that was a hard lesson to learn.
Big Brother Canada will continue to air this Sunday at 7pm and Wednesday at 8pm. The 2-hour season finale will be held on Thursday from 7-9pm.