Just because it was the Easter long weekend, doesn’t mean things were quiet and peaceful in the Big Brother Canada house. The feeds went dark following Kevin’s HOH win on Thursday night and an intense Instant Eviction was broadcast on Sunday night which featured Naeha and Brittnee on the block.
Naeha Sareen, the 29 year-old chiropractor from Toronto was evicted. Naeha spoke to us, before being sent to sequester (where she’ll fight four others for the chance to return to the house), about the hardships of an instant eviction and how she would change her game play if she’s able to make it back inside the Big Brother Canada house.
Do you feel that your conversation in the HOH with Sindy and the other girls was your ultimate downfall (where Kevin heard you)?
Absolutely not! Did you not hear me working it the night before I was evicted?! I think that I put together the perfect alliance and was able to talk myself out of anything. Yeah, Sindy’s mouth is big and got us into some trouble but I was assured that I was not on the block the second week. I could have very likely been the replacement nominee and I ensured that it was Sindy.
If there was no instant eviction, I’d still be in the house this week. I don’t think that Kevin would have nominated me because I’m pretty sure that I got in pretty good with him. It’s just the matter of the timing. He was instantly called in to make his nominations and we didn’t really get a chance to talk. I really truly don’t feel that the talk in the HOH room with the girls was my downfall.
Would you agree that an instant eviction scenario is hard for everyone involved?
Absolutely not! It’s only hard for the person who gets evicted.
An instant eviction is the worst possible way to go out in this game. As a superfan, maybe you’d agree with me. An instant eviction is heartbreaking. It’s the only way where you are not able to fight for your life. I did not get the opportunity to play for veto. I did not get the opportunity to campaign for myself. I truly, truly feel that if I were able to play in a veto completion, I would have had the ability to get myself off the block. I also truly feel that if I had the ability to campaign for my game, I would still be in that house because I feel like I can talk myself out of anything.
So yeah, it’s really really hard — but it’s only hard for the person who is getting evicted!
Are at you peace with Kevin’s decision to put you up?
Absolutely. It’s fine with me. He had to do what he had to do. I love this game so much and I respect the game. Whatever they throw at me, I’m okay with.
Kevin didn’t get a real opportunity to talk to me before he made that decision, I truly feel that if he got to have that conversation that we did the night before I left the house, his nominations would be different. It is what it is, and let’s just hope that I can get back in there so that I can recoup!
Were you surprised by any of the eviction votes?
The only one that I was surprised by was Zach’s… After thinking about it, I came to the conclusion that that is exactly what he had to do. If he were to expose that he was with me, it wouldn’t be good for his game. Right now, the game that he is playing, he’s everyone’s friend. He’s laying low and voting with the house. He had to do that. A little hurt, a little surprised initially by it, but I completely understand now. I’m over it.
Do you have any regrets? Is there anyone you wish you would have aligned yourself with instead?
I have absolutely zero regrets with who I aligned myself with in the house.
The only regrets that I do have… I knew that I was a target, but if I had known I was going out week three, I would have ran my mouth a little more in the house! I would have also definitely stood up for what I believed in. I’m a little ashamed of myself that I didn’t in that moment just because it would have put an even bigger target on my back. I would have also gone out with a bigger bang! With the instant eviction, I had literally 10 seconds to kind of get my my butt out of the door and I really wish that I had said a lot more the houseguests and made a bigger impact and give you guys better TV!
You may get a chance to go back inside the house. How would you do things differently?
Oh, I am just waiting for that chance! There are so many things that I would want to do differently. At first, I would have to evaluate the dynamic of the house. I’m a very logical person and I like to think and plan more before I make one more step or breath in that house. It would be dependant on what’s going on in that house.
I would 110% change up my game. There’s no way that I can go in the same person. I would have to be a little sneakier and do something different. An option that I’ve been contemplating is that everyone is aware that Graig and I are enemies in the house. I feel that he’s a loose canon and I think he will end up self-evicting himself. So, it may be beneficial for me to work with him initially and take him further in the game because no one is going to give him the money in the end.
Another option for me would be a little bit of a showmance. Every single person in the house is making out. They’re hormones are raging! I didn’t participate in that — maybe that might take me a little further as well. I’m willing to do anything to get further in this game. A little kissing, sucking up to someone I hate… Who knows. Whatever it is, I’ll do it!
Big Brother Canada airs Sundays at 7pm, Mondays at 8pm and Wednesdays at 9pm. The Big Brother Canda Side Show airs Thursdays at 10pm on Slice. Big Brother Canada After Dark airs from 3am to 6am on Slice. Canadian fans can watch the live feeds for FREE at BigBrotherCanada.ca.