Evicted Big Brother houseguest Britney
Haynes spoke exclusively with MSN.ca
before entering the sequestered jury house following Thursday night’s
eviction. Britney shares her feelings on Dan, when she knew the coaches were
going to enter the game and offers advice to Canadians trying out for Big Brother Canada.
Although you referred to Dan as “Judas,” it seemed
like you completely understood his move. Looking back, do you think there could
have been something you could have said or done to keep yourself in the game
following the veto meeting?
I tried my hardest to sell
myself to the houseguests, but they couldn’t see a reason to keep me over
Danielle. Which, I understand. I knew it was going to be difficult from the
moment I was put up on the block.
You were one of the first houseguests to predict that
the coaches would be entering the game. When you signed up to become a coach,
did you always think you’d end up playing the game in the end? Do you regret
the coaches twist at this point? Do you think you could have done a better job
without the reset and coaching Shane to win?
I did think the coaches
would be entering the game from Day 1. I definitely don’t regret the twist, it
gave me a few weeks to figure which way was up in the house and learned who I
could trust and work with. Obviously Shane is still in the house and I am not,
so maybe continuing to coach would have helped me. But it was a risk I was
willing to take.
You had a close connection with Ian, do you believe
he can make it to the end? Who do you think is his biggest competition, outside
of Frank and Dan?
I do think that Ian can
make it to the end, however it is going to be difficult. He is on a lot of
people’s target list. I think he needs to watch out for Danielle.
Big Brother
Canada is set to premiere early next year, are there any
tips you’d like to give Canadians who are currently trying out to get cast on
the series?
Go to open castings, those
are your best bet. And know your role, as Dan would say.
Big Brother 14 airs Sundays & Wednesdays at 8 p.m.
ET and Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on Global and CBS. Big Brother After Dark airs
nightly from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. ET on Slice.