In a confusing twist, Sharry Ash, the 30-year-old customer service supervision from Toronto, was sent home instead of her closest ally Loveita. Following her eviction, Sharry chats about why the house voted her out, if she regrets aligning early with Loveita and her biggest complaints from inside the Big Brother Canada house.
What was that?! Your eviction blindsided the audience! Why do you think the houseguests decided to vote you out and keep Loveita? Is it so that there’s a bigger threat in the game?
Oh my gosh! I feel like they decided to vote me out because they felt like I had a strong social game and saw that as a threat along with the fact that Loveita is a big target. I think it was a combination of both, unfortunately. I wish that they had kept me for my strong skills instead of wanting to kick them out the door.
Loveita won HOH! Do you think she’ll go after Kelsey and Jared? Would that be the smart move?
I am so proud of her. I am so happy that she won HOH and guaranteed her safety. I definitely think that it would be smart of Loveita to put Kelsey and Jared up on the block together. I think that she will have a lot of the house will have her back for that because of the things that went on last week and the week before. I think that she’ll a lot of support behind her. Go for it! Get ‘em!
You never got a chance to use the new Complaint Box, what would you have said?
Oh my gosh — I would have asked for a larger hot water tank because the showers were cold in the mornings! The Have-Not room was freezing! I would have asked them to turn up the temperature. I would have also asked them for more honey!
You were put up due to your association with Loveita… That didn’t seem fair to us. Looking back, do you regret your friendship/closeness with her?
I absolutely do not regret it. Loveita and I had a lot of discussions and there were times where she felt like quitting and I’m happy that I was able to turn off the game and give her a human moment because that didn’t happen a lot in the house. I don’t regret being there for her. I mean, look at her now! She’s HOH. She’s safe. She’ll probably run the house for a little bit and I’d like to think that even though I’ve been evicted, I played a role in that.
Christine didn’t seem to like you at all! What went wrong there? How do you think you rubbed her the wrong way?
Honestly, I don’t know why Christine hated me so much. I never said or did anything negative to her. I just feel that misery love’s company and that Christine is probably miserable and hates how happy I am… And that’s the truth.
How do you think the two camps in the house came to be?
I think that kind of happened the first week when Kelsey went up on the block. Kelsey and Jared were getting close and you know how that can divide the house: Jared wanting to save his girl. Loveita and I were working against them to make sure that didn’t happen. Naturally, sides will form and then you’ve got to just rally people to side with you.
What was your most memorable moment from this experience?
Honestly, every single moment was extremely memorable. Everything fit in where it fit in! I had such an amazing time in the house. Everybody was amazing.
Big Brother Canada airs Wednesdays at 9pm ET/PT, Thursdays at 8pm ET/PT and Sundays at 7pm ET/PT on Global. The Big Brother Canada Side Show airs Fridays at 10pm ET on Slice (and repeats Saturdays at 8pm ET/PT on Global). Big Brother Canada After Dark airs nightly from 3am to 6am ET on Slice. Episodes as well as the live feeds are available at
Click here to read the exit interview with season four’s first evicted houseguest Paige.