Port Coquitlam’s Jackie McCurrach was the first houseguest to be evicted from the stunning triple eviction episode of Big Brother Canada this past Thursday. We chat with Jackie, following her 5 to 1 eviction, and she dishes on what went wrong between herself and Ika, how William’s game play surprised her the most and how she feels about being labelled as a “Flip Flopper” by Karen.
Were you expecting things to turn out this way? Kevin put Ika up for a reason. What do you think changed his mind?
I don’t think that things meant to turn out this way. I think that Kevin only had a strong relationship with William at the time (of his nominations) and he wasn’t going to get a strong one from me because I was disappointed with him turning on me. He ended up figuring out that he might as well see what he could do with Ika and keep her and Demetres around and if they make a deal, it will take him further in this game. I feel like that’s what happened.
When did you realize that this was it — you were going home this time.
As soon as Arisa said “Jackie, you are evicted from the Big Brother Canada house.” I definitely campaigned as long as I could. It took a lot out of me. I thought that I had the votes [to stay], but apparently, people were blatantly lying to my face! But, at the end of the day, if that’s their game play — then that’s their game play. I’m very happy that Dre told me straight up that she was going to have my vote to stay.
Was Karen being too harsh for calling you a flip flopper? It seemed you were just doing your best to survive. It was easy for them to call you a flip flopper but they still used you in return as a number.
Karen is a harsh person in general, so it’s nothing out of the ordinary for her. I did what I could to survive in that house. So, if flip flopping is what I’m known for, then oh well!
What went wrong with Ika in the first place?
Honestly, I don’t know what triggered it. I had a conversation with her earlier in the game where she told me that she doesn’t truly believe that people are being nice. That people aren’t being as genuine as they are. When she saw that I was that type of person, apparently it’s not the type of person she gets along with. For the first few weeks there, we did get along but she ended up thinking that I was just being fake to her when I wasn’t.
Who’s game play surprised you the most?
William’s game play surprised me the most. He definitely grew a lot during the game. During the first few weeks, he was not himself. He was very scared of being in the house but he ended up winning two vetos, HOH and his social game has been phenomenal. Everybody would have been scared or disappointed to put him up on the block.
Was there anyone’s game play that disappoint you? Did you have any certain vision of a veteran player and have it shattered after playing with them?
It’s hard to say because I worked with a lot of people in this game. I worked with Cassandra and I was very excited to be a part of it… I feel terrible being as naive as I was earlier on in the game by believe what Neda had to say because now, knowing more information, I don’t think that Cassandra would have flipped on me. It sucks that she was eliminated earlier in the game. I would have loved to see her play more.
Was there anyone that you wish you could have really worked with but didn’t get to?
My experience was different. I did get to work with almost everyone in the house. I was close enough with Mark and he left first. Dallas and I had a great relationship. Same with Cassandra. I honestly, worked with almost everybody. At the end of the day, I’m happy about that — even if I’m known as a flip flopper. I made my way to where I am now and and I’m not disappointed about anything.
Who are you rooting for to win?
I’m rooting for Dre to win. As much as we had a bit of a falling out earlier in the game, I really respect her game play. I really respect the way she handles situations and the way she doesn’t care if she’s a target. I really looked up to her in the house. I’m really happy that I got to work with her again at the end there, for a bit.
Who are you hoping gets evicted next?
Out of everyone that I am aware is left in the house, I really hope that Ika is evicted next. I feel that there are other people in this house who deserve for a chance to out play her in the house.
Who do you think doesn’t deserve to win? Why not?
I’m a little disappointed with Dillon right now. I think that he had an opportunity to go far in this game with the newbies but when he flipped and joined forces with Ika and Demetres, it was definitely disappointing. That’s why I don’t think he deserves to win if he makes it to the end.
What’s your plan for jury? Do you have any hopes of influencing anyone?
I’m very excited to see everyone in jury, especially Neda. It’s been a very long time. Her and I ended on a very good note. I’m definitely going to mention to them what has happened in this house. If it’s going to influence them, it does — but I’m not going to tell people who they need to vote for. I feel that it’s their own decision.
What was your favourite moment inside the house?
My absolute favourite moment inside the house was Day 42! We got our ParticipACTION Party and I got to see a video from my family, which meant so much to me. We also got fireworks and poutine. It made us forget about the game. It was an amazing night.
Big Brother Canada airs Mondays at 9 p.m. ET/PT, Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT and Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Global. Catch up with the episodes on GlobalTV.com, Global Go and On Demand. The live feeds are online at bigbrotherca