Angela Rummans, the 26-year-old fitness model, is the latest houseguest to be sent to the jury house on Big Brother. We chat with Angela about what she thinks is her biggest game move, this season’s weakest player, and which eviction was the hardest for her.
How much of Kaycee and Tyler’s goodbye message was jury management? Or do you think that they just genuinely wanted to come clean with their “final two” deal?
I think they wanted to come clean with their final two deal. I knew they were close all season. I don’t think it was jury management. I think they just used it as an opportunity to fill me in on everything before I headed to the jury house.
You and Tyler both admitted your strong feelings for each other. Had things been different, do you think he would have gone against his “final two” deal with Kaycee for you?
I do not know the answer to this question. I would love to think he would, but I do not know.
What do you think was your biggest gave move?
I think one of the biggest moves was at the very end when Brett was ready to go rogue and go against us and Brett went home. I think people get what they deserve. Level Six was all about loyalty this season and when he went against us and become disloyal, I think he got what he deserved.
What jury member are you looking forward to seeing the least?
Just one? That is a toss up! I have quite a few. Probably Faysal because he was the one person in the house who made a very public and personal attack against me. I think that was inappropriate.
Whose eviction was the hardest for you?
I think Haleigh probably was. I loved Haleigh. She was like a sister to me. I knew she was going home and I wanted to tell her so badly. Having to keep that from her broke my heart.
Who had the weakest gameplay this season?
Honestly, Rockstar had the weakest gameplay this season. Sometimes she bullied people into doing the things she wanted them to do.
Was there a move you had to make for the sake of your alliance that you regret?
I really don’t have any regret, thinking back. I don’t regret any move that I made because it got me to the final four and it potentially got two of my alliance members to finale night.
The season finale of Big Brother airs this Wednesday at 9:30 p.m. ET/PT on Global and CBS.