Big Brother Canada’s sixth season came to a close Thursday (May 10) night with Vancouver’s Paras Atashnak winning the final prize. Following the finale we got the chance to speak with Paras, second place Kaela Grant and third place Derek Kesseler.
In our interview with Kaela, she chats about mishandling the jury, who she would have taken to final two, and the hardest competition for her.
Any plans with your second place winnings?
I’m just going to be responsible with it and pay off some debts and loans that I have!
Any regrets with handling the jury questioning?
Honestly, just knowing what the questions were and how they were directed at us, I 100% knew that everyone was going to vote Paras. I didn’t do jury management so I kinda knew it was coming. I was sort of wining it at the end, but I knew Paras was going to win.
Derek revealed that he told you to tell the jury that you molded him into the player that you need him to be. How much of that was true?
It was all true. Derek came into this game not knowing anything at all. Everything he learned, it was from me. He could say that maybe he used me to get information, but everything he knows or did in the game was because of me. I did mold him into the player that I needed him to be because he was my number one. I was working with him. Before he made a move or I told him to do anything, he told me “You know what, I believe you so I’m going to do whatever you say.” So, I was like “Perfect, this works for me.”
How do you see this showmance transitioning outside the house?
Honestly, Derek is my best friend. He was my favourite person inside the house. I’m so glad to have met him. I think we’re going to stay in contact for sure. I have $20,000 now, so I think I’m going to go visit him this summer and just kind of hang out and see what happens.
Had you won HOH, how would you have taken with you? Derek or Paras?
I would have actually cut Derek and brought Paras. It’s what I wanted to do throughout the game and it’s what I would have done in that situation.
Was there anyone you were hoping you could sway in the jury?
I knew Paras would have had every single person’s vote but Derek’s. I thought just for the fact that Johnny was such a huge superfan of the show, I thought that he might have appreciated how much that I wanted to stir the pot and the big moves that I had made. I lied, manipulated… Did what I did. But I put Derek on such a big pedestal before people headed to the jury and I downplayed my game a lot. People in that jury thought that Derek carried me and that I did nothing in this game. That was my fault for not managing that jury.
The women this season kicked ass. How do you feel about making history and being the first-ever all-female final two in BBCAN history?
I think that it’s absolutely amazing to see two women in the final two. It just shows that women can do anything that men can do. It’s not always men that come out on top. Women can too if you just own your game and be confident and comfortable with yourself. We had a lot of dominating women this season which was so great to see in the house. I hope Canada appreciated that as well. I think that Paras played the best social game in the whole entire house, so good for her for being there. It’s awesome that she won.
What was the hardest competition for you?
Hardest competition to play in was probably the one with Maddy for HOH. It was called “Previously on Big Brother Canada.” I honestly did not think I was going to win that. Maddy was so smart. She studied day in and day out in this game. Being in those booths, it was something I hadn’t won all season. I didn’t want to win anything at the beginning of the season, but I honestly thought that Maddy was going to take that. It was the hardest one because, at that point, I didn’t study the days as much as I should have.
What was the easiest competition?
The easiest competition was probably “Buttoned Up.” Just standing there hold that button, a lot of people took the temptations and kind of eliminated people from the game. All I had to do was stand there and hold the button. My arm hurt of course, but that’s the mind over the matter.
Other than your family, what was the one thing that you must the most from home?
I missed my kitties so much. Stella and Henry at home, I love them! I miss them and cannot wait to go home and love my kitties.
What will you miss the most from the Big Brother Canada house — other than Derek?
I’m going to miss every single other houseguest. I have gotten to know them so well and I feel like I’m walking out with 15 best friends. It’s going to be so weird not sleeping with them in the same bed, hugging them, eating food with them or hanging out with them. It’ll suck because we’re all so close to each other.
For more of The TV Watercooler’s Big Brother Canada coverage, click here.