Big Brother Canada is returning for its 12th season and The TV Watercooler had the opportunity to speak with new players Matthew Wong, Bayleigh Pelham and Vivek Sabbarwal before they entered the house.
Get to know Matthew, Bayleigh, and Vivek as they share which experiences they each think will benefit their games, what kind of players they’d align themselves with, who is open to a showmance, and more!
The TV Watercooler Podcast featuring Big Brother Canada’s Matthew Wong, Bayleigh Pelham and Vivek Sabbarwal is now available to stream in the player above, the YouTube link below, on Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.
You can also read the full interviews with Matthew Wong here, Bayleigh Pelham here, and Vivek Sabbarwal here.
Big Brother Canada Season 12 premieres Tuesday, March 5 at 7 p.m. ET/PT on Global and STACKTV.